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“Wood – Glass – sheet metal” is a really original title for this year’s spring tour. Sheet metal is perhaps self-explanatory as a lover of English sheet metal, but glass? Or wood? This didn’t open up for us at first, but made us curious.

Our organizing team, Maria and Heinz, chose the Vienna Woods as the meeting point for the start, more precisely: Murtinger’s country inn in Breitenfurt. A very good choice. From the large terrace we could look at our “favorite tray” that we had lined up while we strengthened ourselves in the sunshine and mild temperatures on this very terrace with ham and eggs, ham rolls, coffee and co after 9 a.m. with a welcome from Wolfgang and brief information about the route from Heinz. The first stage took us via Altenmarkt, St. Veit an der Triesting to Weigelsdorf. We have to say that Heinz didn’t exaggerate when he gave the track information, it really was a beautiful track. Hilly, many bends and hairpin bends, through forests and beautiful areas and places.

After 97 kilometers it was clear to us what “glass” meant! In Weigelsdorf there is a glass museum – the glass castle.

While a few of us retreated to the museum’s café area early on (mainly pet owners), most of us listened carefully to the words of the museum’s spokeswoman. She told about the history of the glass museum and how important it is to preserve glass art for posterity. With this knowledge, the museum could then be explored. Glass in all colors and shapes, whether as sculptures, pictures, floor tiles, wall coverings, lamps, doors or plants – yes, plants. In the museum’s palm house, a palm tree and other glass plants were found among the many real plants. In the outdoor area you could stroll around the large fish pond and also discover some glass art.

Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough time to take a close look at everything, “Crystal clear” we had to continue, lunch was reserved for us in “Burgenland”. The second stage took us over the Leitha Mountains to “Burgenland” along Lake Neusiedl. We passed Donnerskirchen and drove through Purbach, Breitenbrunn, Winden and Jois before turning towards “Neusiedl am See”. The organizational team came up with the “Naglreiter” for the lunch break. Another excellent decision, because the “Naglreiter” is an institution in Burgenland. Strengthened with schnitzel, asparagus, salad or whatever else the menu offered, after a while we set off for the 3rd and shortest stage in order to continue towards Seewinkel.

Arriving at the stage destination, we got the unique opportunity to look at an exquisite sheet metal collection. Before the owner personally guided us through his collection, he told us about his life. How he came from Carinthia to “Burgenland” as a 14-year-old boy to learn his current job there. How it came about that he became self-employed and how his initial skepticism about old vehicles turned into a passion for classics that ultimately ended in this impressive collection. He spoke with an enthusiasm that captivated us. Exciting, funny and fascinating at the same time. He’s really good at telling stories, and most agree that he should write a book about his life story.

His collection, which we were allowed to discover afterwards, was no less fascinating. From BMW Isetta to Porsche, Jaguar, Mercedes, tractors to Horch, everything was there. All really beautifully restored “sheet metal” that he can call his own. As fascinating as sheet metal can be, unfortunately we had to move on. After the traditional group photo, some of us said goodbye, but the majority then started with the 4th and last stage. We drove via Mönchhof in the direction of Nickelsdorf and then via Zurndorf, Potzneusiedl and Prellenkirchen to Bad Deutsch-Altenburg. There we crossed the Danube and drove via Eckartsau to Orth an der Donau. The end of the trip took place in Humer’s Uferhaus.

The time was already late, the mosquitoes did the rest, so we didn’t sit down on the terrace with a view of the Danube as planned, but inside the restaurant at a long table.

We ended the day with delicious food and the usual JDOST talks. But one question remained unanswered for us – what did “wood” mean? Well, we as report writers can only guess, maybe the many trees we saw along the route? Or the piece of wood that some people must have literally knocked on just to make sure everything went well? It doesn’t matter how it is, our organizational team Maria and Heinz have planned excellently – beautiful route, very interesting milestones!

And how they managed with the weather, just impressive. Wood – glass – sheet metal – we were there!

Thank you for the organization!

Text: C. & K. Schwoiser

Photos: JDOST©

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