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The weather was mixed this Sunday. Nevertheless, on August 6th, 2023, 17 darts enthusiasts came to the traditional JDOST darts tournament at the Oliver inn in Wolfsgraben.

The event began at 9 a.m. in damp, cool and slightly windy weather with a varied breakfast buffet in the tent of the guest garden of the inn – below the happily grazing sheep. Heinz addressed a few words about the organization to those present. With bulging bellies, the participants – Heinz meanwhile mounted the tournament dartboards on the wall of the shed – moved under the large party tent around 11 a.m. After a short introduction to the rules of the game and the division into two groups, the game could begin.

Every participant – we don’t make any distinctions – got a score of 301, which had to be reduced to exactly ZERO by several rounds of dart throwing. The first and second place finishers in each of the two groups qualified for the Grande Finale.

After a few whoops, great throwing performances, fun activities and pouring rain, the final result was clear. The first and beaming winner of the gold medal was Christian Hobrücker, Michael Brockmann achieved the great second place and Wolfgang Schöbel fought his way onto the podium as third place. Dana Hayderer, the last finalist, had to settle for fourth place. The consolation prize, the nicely decorated JDOST cucumber, went to our birthday child Edeltraut Sagmeister.

Since breakfast and playing darts couldn’t have been everything, Maria organized a visit to the Wolfsgraben zoo. A sanctuary with an incredible collection of different animals. We met rabbits, donkeys, cats, chickens, goats and horses as well as peacocks, marmosets, raccoons and tatataTAAAAA….CAMELS!!! This zoo was set up with the support of the Schönbrunn Zoo and – most importantly – the animals are looked after in the most professional way.

Finally, Maria and Heinz invited those present to their home for coffee and cake. With long walks in the garden, dangling feet in the swimming pond and cozy conversations, this wonderful day came to an end.

We congratulate all winners of the JDOST darts tournament and thank everyone for participating and especially Maria & Heinz, who once again organized this event so well.


Text: Andreas Icha
Photos: JDOST©

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